Rest upon Her Vernal Pond- for the funeral of Sandra Greenwald 1953-2022
Rest upon Her Vernal Pond 4/29/22
Dear Grandchildren of Sandra,
Ever since Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Denny
built that house on a Vandecar hill before you were born,
She always adored the wetland area below the house.
Each Spring, it so reliably filled with
Discontented snow’s meltwater
And rain runoff,
croaking peeping frogs,
languid mallards,
powder blue birds,
climbing wood ducks,
bickering geese,
A lording screech owl,
And that vernal pond’s pledge for a glorious summer.
Some might say, “Who could love a swamp?”
But, Sandy certainly did.
She built a dock across it over time-
For there she found serenity in regularly
Quieting her mind and body
Long enough to get right down to water level
To get the best of countless photos
Of leopard frogs and warty toads
Spying just above the duckweed.
It was in that calm that she breathed
Nature’s life-giving and healing gifts
so deeply to capture jerky jays
And impossibly clear moon shots
And snaps of pileated woodpeckers
Cracking up at their own jokes.
Springtime is the most delightful.
Because that’s when new life shows up
To Grandma Sandy’s swamp-
New life brought by nature and by
Neighbors and dear sons-in-law
And dearest daughters.
They brought new life that
Toddled down that hill to the dock
In sprouting wildflowers
and bright Easter dresses
Or firetruck jumpers
And dabbled its sticky, tenuous fingers
And pudgy, stubby toes
And giggles and “Look gramma! Tadpoles!”
And all the motion and happiness and innocence and wonder
Inherent in budding plants and budding youth.
It became your place that Grandma Sandy shared with you.
Life’s Winter of frosty illness and subzero uncertainty
Can leave earth and body and spirit
so chilled and so raw and so bereft.
But, as with every Spring,
Nature renews the swamp into a teeming pond-
Just as beaming, busy and growing grandchildren renew joy
And a satisfying and lasting warmth to the spirit.
This year, Sandy didn’t go down to the swamp.
But, she sat right above and right by-
Silently taking in all the sweet scents and sweet sounds
Of new life that made its way up to her instead.
This year, the swamp and the yard and the house
Were filled with the energies and music she always so loved.
Spring’s new life will rise up with
The promise of new plants, baby birds, maturing families,
And successful grandchildren
Now and for so many seasons to come.
This year, she heard and she watched
As your delight carried on when she could no longer.
And, in again inhaling the air bursting from all your germinating life,
Grandma Sandy found rest;
As we can be certain she always knew peace there
In you, grandchildren, upon your vernal pond.