Job Search Haiku
Resume too long? They say you only get 7 seconds to get to the yes or hold pile. Given the texting nature of America's youth, this might just be the wave of the future. Maximize your 7 seconds!
Try cutting your documents down to the 17 syllables of Haiku.
The Cover Letter
Great skills for your job!
I do teams and details well.
Drop texts to "talk" more.
The Resume
I'm experienced.
I am smart and by-golly
Most people like me.
The Letter of Recommendation
He was really great!
We are sorry to lose him.
Tough times. So,... you know.
Try cutting your documents down to the 17 syllables of Haiku.
The Cover Letter
Great skills for your job!
I do teams and details well.
Drop texts to "talk" more.
The Resume
I'm experienced.
I am smart and by-golly
Most people like me.
The Letter of Recommendation
He was really great!
We are sorry to lose him.
Tough times. So,... you know.